Friday, November 27, 2009

Media exploits Adam Lambert performance

I can't believe America was so shocked, like they didn't know they boy was gay? This is kind of like when you come out to your parents even though all along they knew the truth. People are very sensitive and particular to things they do not understand. However, the media was very accepting of the infamous Britany and Madonna kiss that was internationally raved and publicized. Madonna seems to get away with a lot more than other artist...remember the Justin Timberlake and Janet wardrobe 'mishap?' Not only did Justin leave her to be fed to the wolves, Janet was forced to publicly apologize. What is up with the shadiness of America? This was a stunt to get attention and it worked, high five Adam.



deonte' k said...

I love Adam, and the hell with America if they don't like it!

Dante Cole said...

Yes, i love going against the rules anyway so i applaud him